Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I can't believe it's already mid January.  Here we are.  Jan 10 and I haven't posted since LAST YEAR!  Oh my.  What happened?

Well I'll tell ya, I got sick.  Some time around New Year's Eve I came down with a bit of a cold, which not only put a kibosh on the huge party we had planned (ha!) but spiraled into about a week of solid illness.  I was bedridden (almost) for about a week. Poor Jay was on primary parent duty for days on end when he was supposed to be enjoying the final days of his vacation.  We had to cancel my birthday (1/2) and I wasn't sure that we'd be able to do it a week later when Aunt Gin & family came up to have Christmas (part 2) on 1/7, but I made it.  And finally I think the worst is behind me and I'm left with a loud and annoying cough.

So I didn't post while I was sick.  For some reason when I get out of the habit of doing something - even something I enjoy - it becomes almost a chore to get back to it.  And that is how a post about Christmas came to sit there in the dashboard for about 2 weeks.  Time to get back to it!

So what did we miss??  CHRISTMAS!!  Holy moly, what a whirlwind that was.

Christmas day was spent here at our house where the kids opened presents from Santa, my parents came in the morning for a quick visit, we had some breakfast and some playtime and a nap.

We went to my parent's house for dinner.  It was a loooooong day, but tons of fun.  Food was delicious, decorations were perfect.  The family was there - even Lee & Hannah came down from Maine.

Sadly, I forgot my camera so we have very few photos :(  Here's a few highlights from the day.

I didn't even get a pic of the kids all dressed up in their fancy clothes.  I guess I'll get 'em at Easter!

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